WXDi-P04-001 White Heaven
Cost : 2 White 1 Colorless
Cast: Main Phase
Card Ability: Use Condition: You have two or more white LRIG on your field.
Put target SIGNI on your opponent’s field into its owner’s trash. Return target SIGNI on your opponent’s field to its owner’s hand.
Cost : 2 White 1 Colorless
Cast: Main Phase
Card Ability: Use Condition: You have two or more white LRIG on your field.
Put target SIGNI on your opponent’s field into its owner’s trash. Return target SIGNI on your opponent’s field to its owner’s hand.
Cost : 2 White 1 Colorless
Cast: Main Phase
Card Ability: Use Condition: You have two or more white LRIG on your field.
Put target SIGNI on your opponent’s field into its owner’s trash. Return target SIGNI on your opponent’s field to its owner’s hand.